The proposed Teviot Wind Farm is located approximately 8km south-west of Hawick.
This proposal has been revised, Additional Information was submitted to the Energy Consents Unit, reflecting a new 53 turbine layout, with a maximum tip height of 240 m giving a total installed capacity of approximately 350 MW. This layout reflects the comments received on landscape, visual impacts, and historic environment after removing and relocating turbines.
Following engagement with Scottish Borders Council in January 2025, we have now resolved to remove one additional turbine, making it a 52 turbine development, should it be consented. The removal will further reduce the horizontal extent of the scheme and improve set-back distances for the scheme in several views.
240 m
Maximum Tip Height
350 MW
Generating Capacity
Tonnes of CO2 saved each year
Homes Powered
Location: Scottish Borders
May 2022
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report submitted to Energy Consents Unit (ECU)
May 2022 May 2024
Engagement with key stakeholders and revised layout changes
May 2024
Additional Environmental Submission (AEI) Submission to the Energy Consents Unit (ECU)
Summer 2025
Expected Consent Decision from Scottish Ministers
2029 2033
Expected Construction Period
Expected Date of Wind Farm Commissioning
The revised layout has sought to take into account comments raised by consultees, balancing technical and project requirements while recognising the need to safeguard the natural environment and satisfactorily accommodate the proposed development within its landscape setting. We are committed to continuing to work with key stakeholders throughout the planning process.
Kirstin Leckie, Senior Project Manager
Since Muirhall opened our office in Hawick, we’re pleased to have supported a diverse range local clubs and organisations which reflect a broad range of interests, with funding totalling over £130,000. Groups benefitting have included sports clubs to youth services, the Arts and recreation, environmental enhancement, education and the Third Sector. The Teviot area has a fantastic community spirit, and we’re delighted to have had the opportunity to play our part by helping where we can.
Community Investment Fund
Once the site is operational, the Community Investment Fund is launched to further support communities throughout the lifetime of the project. For Teviot, an industry-leading £7,000 per MW is being offered, which equates to an annual fund of nearly £2,450,000, and approximately £98 million over the lifetime of the windfarm.
As of December 2024, with the support of Foundation Scotland, all 12 involved Community Councils have signed the Teviot Wind Farm Community Benefit Agreement to recieve community investment funds.
Shared Ownership
Muirhall Energy are also offering up to 10% ownership of the proposed development to the surrounding communities, which if secured, should result in a substantial increase in community revenue available for local investment.
Community Involvement
Muirhall Energy will place work with local contractors who tender within 10% of the best quote for any work on the project. Local tradespeople have already refurbished the former Post Office in Hawick to an exceptional standard and this building now serves as a point of contact for all Muirhall Energy’s projects in the south of Scotland. A Meet the Buyer event will be held prior to construction to give local businesses an opportunity to learn more about the proposed development before submitting tenders.
To show your support for the project, get involved
Get InvolvedAt Muirhall Energy we understand the importance of conserving and aiding biodiversity and environmental sustainability. We are therefore fully committed to ensuring the Proposed Development will leave a positive impact on the site, as well the local, and wider community.
Kirstin Leckie, Senior Project Manager
Application documents are available for viewing and download through the DropBox links below.
Original S36 Application (2022)
Access LinkAdditional Information (2024)
Access LinkGet in touch
We hope to maintain open and engaging communication with members of the local communities, so if you have any questions regarding this development, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Kirstin using the link below.