SBC decision on Teviot Wind Farm
Muirhall Energy closely followed the discussion at the Scottish Borders Council Planning and Building Standards Committee on Monday 3 March 2025. Although we are disappointed at the decision of the committee to object, against the recommendation of the planning officer, we remain confident in the suitability and importance of a renewable energy scheme in the area.
The Teviot scheme does not lie within any designated sites and has been designed to minimise visual impacts. We have worked closely with all relevant stakeholders, including Scottish Borders Council, to sensitively design this development, reducing by 10 turbines and removing the solar element; and associated infrastructure.
We have worked to negate the impacts on Hermitage Castle, working with Historic Environment Scotland who removed their objection to the scheme following these design changes.
The scheme is accompanied by a Landscape Enhancement Plan, which includes extensive native woodland planting, wetland creation and habitat management. This will significantly enhance and improve the biodiversity of the area, aligned with industry’s commitment to tackling the joint climate and nature crisis.
We have committed to £2,450,000 in community benefit annually for the 40 years of the development, this is £98 million invested directly into communities over the lifetime of the development. This fund is in addition to our Community Shared Ownership offer of up to 10% and our industry-leading Initial Investment Fund which can be accessed by local charities and groups from the commencement of construction.
Muirhall Energy remain committed to developing in the Scottish Borders, and to Hawick where our South of Scotland office is located and look forward to discussing next steps in more detail in due course.