We pledge an industry-leading £7,000 per MW of community investment funds for our larger projects, far in excess of the £5,000 per MW recommended by the Scottish Government’s Good Practice Principles for Community Benefits.

This pledge, over the 40-year lifespan of the average windfarm, is transformative to  rural communities, allowing investment and larger capital projects to be considered by communities, with funding distributed by our communities, in our communities, for our communities.

Muirhall’s community investment funding is used as the exemplar by the Scottish Government and UK Government as Good Practice in the Scottish onshore wind industry

In addition to providing funding directly to communities, we are proud of our added value contributions such as: 

  • Local businesses and supply chains are strengthened by prioritised sub-contracted work at preferred tender rates.
  • Support of diverse local initiatives through ongoing sponsorship and funding.
  • Extending site fibre to improve rural connectivity for local communities.

Please note:

The closing date for funding enquiries to be considered at the April 2025 funding panel is Friday 18th April 2025.

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