

South Lanarkshire

In Development

The consented wind farm is on land at Littlegill Farm, 2.2km north-east of Abington and 4km north of Crawford in the Clydesdale East ward of South Lanarkshire. It is located within the Duneaton Community Council area, and community consultation throughout the development lifetime has therefore been largely focused on the neighbouring Community Council areas of Crawford and Duneaton.

This 7 turbine scheme was granted consent by South Lanarkshire council in March 2021 and will move to construction in 2025. With a generating capacity of approximately 46.2 MW this scheme will provide aprpoximately £231,000 per annum in community benefit to the surrounding communities.

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Tip Heights

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Generating Capacity

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Tonnes of CO2 saved each year

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Homes Powered

December 2016

Original Application Submitted

December 2018

Consent granted for 7 turbines with a maximum tip height of 145m by DPEA

November 2019

Section 42 variation to consent submitted to South Lanarkshire Council to increase turbine height to a maximum of 200m

March 2021

Section 42 Consented by South Lanarkshire Council

May 2022

Section 37 Electricity Act (OHL) Submitted

December 2022

Section 37 Electricity Act (OHL) Consented

November 2022

Section 42 Lifetime Extension Submitted

April 2024

Section 42 Lifetime Extension Consented

Latest Update

Proposal of application notice submitted by Muirhall Energy on behalf of Priestgill in May 2024 for the installation of underground cabling for the wind farm grid connection. Muirhall Energy will carry out two public consultation events over July and August.

To view the Abington and Leadhills Underground Cable Route consultation documents, please see the link below.

Location: South Lanarkshire

Community Investment

The Priestgill Project will provide Community Investment based on a contribution of £5,000 per installed megawatt per annum (MWpa), as consented this would equate to £231,000 per annum, index linked for the operational lifetime of the project. With the consented operational lifetime extension to 40 years, this equates to £9.24 million over the lifetime of the Project.

Get in touch

For any questions regarding the construction of Priestgill Wind Farm, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Keith McDougall

Project Manager

Get in touch
keith mcdougall